Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy: A Wondrous Return to Wizardry

Immerse yourself in an enchanting journey within the iconic wizarding world.

last updated Nov 26, 2023
Whipping your wand out for a round of Lumos is as fulfilling as a steaming mug of Butterbeer on a winter's day.

Wands at the Ready: Gameplay Wizardry

Step into the robes of a Hogwarts student with gameplay that bewitches your senses, but don't expect it to reinvent the cauldron. Although it hits satisfying notes of a traditional RPG, with collecting, quests, and combat, some may find its spellbook of activities a tad repetitive. With combat that glides smoother than a Nimbus 2000—depending on your rig, of course—every duel feels thrilling, especially with the Unforgivable Curses at your morally grey fingertips. And while fetch quests might sound as dreadful as a detention with Dolores, the sheer pleasure of existing in this realm overshadows these minor quibbles.

A Symphony of Spells: Breathtaking Audio

Whispers of nostalgia intertwine with new compositions, crafting a soundscape that's nothing short of spellbinding. The audio is a high point, with a soundtrack that wouldn't feel out of place in the halls of the Ministry of Magic. Every clang in combat and wind rustling through the Forbidden Forest brings the world to life. It's an aural potion that turns every session into an eargasmic trip down Diagon Alley. The swoosh of your wand, the chime of discovery, and the eerie whispers of a nearby dementor's approach will have you convinced that magic is all too real.

Through the Spectrespecs: Graphical Grandeur

Visually, the game is like stepping inside a Pensieve and reliving the glory days of the Potter world, only with a shiny new coat of polish. You'll be stopping more often than a Knight Bus in rush hour just to admire the view. The graphical fidelity is enough to make your GPU weep tears of strained joy—but performance can be as temperamental as a Hippogriff on occasion. Despite its occasional demand for an almost magical level of hardware, for the most part, Hogwarts and the surrounding areas are depicted stunningly, with attention to detail that would impress even Hermione.

Beyond the Common Room: Extra Spellwork

Exploration here is rewarded with a wealth of details and Easter eggs for both the eagle-eyed fan and the casual broom-rider. Mount variety keeps traversal exciting, and the side quests, while occasionally repetitive, delve deeper into the novel lore. Some of the game design choices may have you raising an eyebrow higher than Dumbledore's, but these are small blips in what is otherwise an enchanting broom ride. Also, the open-world isn't quite as 'open' as one might hope, sometimes feeling as restricted as Hagrid's list of legal magical creatures. Game Cover Art
STEAM RATING 92 .9% Developer Avalanche Software Publisher Warner Bros. Games Release Date February 10, 2023

The Verdict: A Charming But Safe Flight Through Wizardry

Hogwarts Legacy is a vivid return to the beloved magical universe, casting you as the spell-weaver in an adventure that plays it safe but captures the essence of what fans adore. While the game sometimes trips over its robes with a few repetitive tasks and a thirst for muscular hardware, the experience remains enchantingly faithful to its roots. Whipping your wand out for a round of Lumos is as fulfilling as a steaming mug of Butterbeer on a winter's day. For fledgling witches and wizards, and those who have long awaited their letters, this is an invitation to an engrossing world that's well worth the price of admission.